Friday 17 April 2009

A day in the old fishing village of Tomo no Ura

Monday, 9th March 2009

Corrina and I met up in Fukuayama, got on a bus and did a little sightseeing around the small and well-kept fishing village of Tomo no Ura (鞆の浦). It was overcast and it looked like rain was on its way but we ended up being lucky. The old parts of town are considered important national cultural properties and there was a fund set up to have the buildings restored to their original Edo period form. It is a pleasant place to have a stroll. There are also a handful of museums worth having a look in. A local told us interesting facts about the place including that most of the land we were walking on had been reclaimed all those years ago.

Tomo no Ura also seems to be known for its homei-shu (保命酒) which is a liquor made from a variety of herbs. There are shops brewing and selling it around the village. Apparently, it is best enjoyed chilled and after a sample, we ended up buying a bottle each!

the herbs used in the potion

the herbal liquor being brewed

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